A hlaf-Korean, half-German humourless mercenary, Hyung is a man who doesn't waste time.
Quick, efficient and reliable, he's the only option if you want a job done properly. Which is true...at least, that's what it says on his card.
His card does, however, fail to mention his ineptitdue for discretion and lack of keeping 'collateral damage' to a minimum.
It's a shame he hates his job, but since it's the only thing he's 'good' at, he's somewhat stuck.
Generally, he's a bit of a lazy-ass, with very few hobbies, or friends. His only past-times include smoking, reading comics, women's magazines (he doesn't understand them, so it's purely curiosity.....purely...), and preening a small bonsai tree that once belonged to his mother.
Beneath this hardened, scarred exterior beats the heart of kind soul..
The son, of a Soldier and a good man, Hyung grew up idolising his father, who after his dishcarge, would spend as much time with his family as possible, teaching Hyung about the finer aspects of life, its enjoyments and, above all else, the sanctity of it.
However, one day his father was killed suddenly, leaving behind a broken and vulnerable family.
As time passed, Hyung became disillusioned with the world and began to follow hsi father's footsteps, secretly biding his time, until he could find the people responsible for his family's suffering.