Man, look at the date! It's almost a year since I posted up something here. Admittedly, I've been spending my time on my DeviantArt Page, and amidst other things.
I admit, I don't think anyone ever reads this blog, but having said that, is that why one writes a blog? I'm sure we all have our reasons, whether it be sharing your personal thoughts/feelings, sometimes anonymously, or merely having a place where you journalise your life's progression.
Originally, this blog was drawn up so that my tutors in Uni could keep an eye on my work, without me having to go in. Not just me, but everyone else in my class, too. I never really kept up with the idea, and after it served it's 'purpose' I forgot about it completely.
About almost 2 years later, I suddenly remembered I had this registered, and decided I might as well put this space to use, since I didn't really have anything else to do at the time. I was also inspired by a friend of mine to try and make an effort with this blog, since he would post up his work in his and write a bit about it.
I guess, I kinda hoped to emulate the 'success' of his blog, with all it's positive responses and sweet comments. Pretty shallow, huh? Thing is I couldn't have hoped for such a thing, since his art style is totally out of my league, and while I've spent some of my time trying to catch up to him, I really haven't gotten very far...
Till now.
Yesterday, I started up a new character who will become the centerpiece for my latest work. With her, I think I may have finally found the style, my stlye. It's a combination of other styles I've come across, but I'm gonna refine and make it mine. I'm gonna hone it and cultivate every stroke purposefully, deliberately and dilligently. Whether this goes unnoticed in the world, or not, doesn't matter to me anymore. It'd be nice to recognised for it. However, that's not why I started drawing in the first place. From when I was first able to pick up a a pencil, my thoughts, weren't 'what can I draw to please everyone.' It was to create and re-create images that pleased me, and me alone. Me, myself and I. Sound selfish? Should it? Should I care? Either way, I think I've been de-railed for long enough. It's time I set myself up, back on the right track, and pick up where I left off all those years ago.
I think I've finally realised what the purpose of this blog is. For me, anyway. It may even be the same reason why my friend began blogging in the first place. This blog, as it stands now, documents a small part of my growth, both artistically, and as a person. I pray from now on, it will continue to do so, beyond my success, because I WILL succeed in my hopes and aspirations.
I am human after all. ^_^