The wind grew fiercer with each gust, blurring Hiryu's vision with shower upon shower of snowflakes. The cold air began to bite at his knuckles as he clenched his fists, his grip tightening on Cypher. His eyes narrowed as he focused on the man standing in front of him, seemingly unafflicted by the storm's growing intensity. The figure stood, stock still, his silhouette bathed crimson by his long, red coat, billowing behind him like a demon's tail. With his head bowed, slightly, he still towered in the distance, his face obscured by his white, neck-length hair whipping back and forth. In his right hand he held aloft a single double-edged broadsword, as tall as himself.
'Dare da?' called out Hiryu.
The man showed no response. The night grew colder still, the wind howling, as if in pain. Hiryu, began grow impatient. If he didn't make a move now, he'd freeze to death. He'd come too far to slow down. Time is of the essence, especially, with the completion of his mission so close. His decision made, he launched forward, sprinting through the snow towards the mysterious swordsman, Cypher still clenched firmly. As he closed in, Hiryu pounced upwards, bringing his blade across from his left. The stranger looked up at him, his piercing gaze locked on Hiryu in mid-flight.
'Ore wa Dante. Yoroshiku.', he smiled.
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